Under Construction!
City Temple Meets at
Chelsea Community Church
Edith Grove SW10 0LB
More information below
Visit Online
We offer our main gatherings and most weekday events via Zoom. Our Zoom experience is live and interactive. Contact us for details on how to visit via Zoom. Our YouTube page livestream allows you to engage at your own pace wherever you are. You are welcome with us!
Join Us in Chelsea on Sundays!
City Temple is now meeting for Sunday Worship in person with Chelsea Community Church as we undertake some major works on our building. We will offer all our activities as usual, except in a differenct location. We offer many of our activities via Zoom as well. As we meet with Chelsea, we are seeking to replant the Chelsea church. Join us for the adventure. Please contact us for more information.
Visit in Person
We gather in many ways, but gathering in person is best. It’s the best way to get to know our people and our leaders. Jesus said that when two or more are gathered he is in their midst. Our Sunday worship gathering is open to all. Come as you are. You are welcome with us!
Our Mission & Vision
For London & the World
We are a culturally diverse church, welcoming people from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Our church leaders reflect the diversity of our church family. We love London, bringing together people from around the world. We live to bring the Good News about Jesus Christ to our city and see people respond in faith. We want people to thrive in Jesus. We live to please God in all we do.
Our vision is to develop an urban international Christian fellowship in the City of London that will glorify God by making and equipping followers of Jesus Christ. We serve as a resource for extending God’s loving rulership all around us. We serve as a refuge for the healing and development of God’s people. We serve with others who share our vision and values. We want to see more churches planted and more people living in health and freedom through Jesus Christ.

Resources for You
Perhaps you want to hear our latest Sunday message. Or you may want to check out one of our regular opportunities for growth and well-being. We offer many resources to help people live fruitfully as Christians, many developed by our minister, Dr. Rod Woods. We welcome you to take a look by clicking our “Media” button. Check out the “Next Steps” section below also.
Faith . Hope . Love .
We live by faith, hope and love – literally carved on the front of our church building – as we bring the Good News about Jesus Christ to our city. Faith in our good and sovereign God. Hope in the new world to come. Love for God and for one another.
Next Steps
Life Overflowing
We all want to make the most of our lives. But sin, selfishness and brokenness act as viruses to kill the life we long for. Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to heal us and give us his life. We receive this life by turning away from our sin and selfishness and turning to Jesus. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, he gives us real life. We can help you get started.
Jesus was among us as one who serves. He served in many ways – leading us, forgiving sins, healing sickness, dying on the cross. As his followers, we are called to serve one another in freedom. We not only serve one another in church, but we also serve in the workplace. The Holy Spirit gives us power to serve in ways that make a difference. Helping people serve well is part of our calling.
We like to think we’re free, but we’re not. We carry a lot of “baggage”. We’re bound to unhealthy tendencies in our lives. We act selfishly. Only in Jesus do we find real freedom. Freedom to live as we were designed to live. Freedom to love other people genuinely. Freedom comes as we surrender our lives to Jesus and get to know who we really are in Christ. We can help people experience their freedom in Jesus.
As Christians, we not only want to learn about Jesus, but we also want to live for Jesus in every area of life – home, work, church, having fun, etc. We want to enjoy the life God gives fully. Church life is not about passive listening but active participation. We want to train people to live their lives as God intended, with passion and joy. We need training based in the Bible but engaged with daily living.
We are social beings. God designed us to have meaningful connections with God and with other people. When we surrender to him, Jesus reconnects us with God and gives us life. Life in God helps us connect with others – even those different from us – with genuine love, unselfishness, and openness. We live beyond fear and shame. Connecting takes time and energy, but it is worth it. Our heart is to help people connect with God and each other.
“Give more money!” Like you, we’re tired of hearing churches ask for money all the time. That’s why we don’t make a big deal out of it. At the same time, Christians are called to share their resources with one another and the church. This sharing involves much more than money – our time, our energy, our love, our talents and abilities. When we share our lives in this way, we find deeper meaning and joy than we had thought possible.
Next Steps
Life Overflowing
We all want to make the most of our lives. But sin, selfishness and brokenness act as viruses to kill the life we long for. Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to heal us and give us his life. We receive this life by turning away from our sin and selfishness and turning to Jesus. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, he gives us real life. We can help you get started.
We like to think we’re free, but we’re not. We carry a lot of “baggage”. We’re bound to unhealthy tendencies in our lives. We act selfishly. Only in Jesus do we find real freedom. Freedom to live as we were designed to live. Freedom to love other people genuinely. Freedom comes as we surrender our lives to Jesus and get to know who we really are in Christ. We can help people experience their freedom in Jesus.
We are social beings. God designed us to have meaningful connections with God and with other people. When we surrender to him, Jesus reconnects us with God and gives us life. Life in God helps us connect with others – even those different from us – with genuine love, unselfishness, and openness. We live beyond fear and shame. Connecting takes time and energy, but it is worth it. Our heart is to help people connect with God and each other.
Jesus was among us as one who serves. He served in many ways – leading us, forgiving sins, healing sickness, dying on the cross. As his followers, we are called to serve one another in freedom. We not only serve one another in church, but we also serve in the workplace. The Holy Spirit gives us power to serve in ways that make a difference. Helping people serve well is part of our calling.
As Christians, we not only want to learn about Jesus, but we also want to live for Jesus in every area of life – home, work, church, having fun, etc. We want to enjoy the life God gives fully. Church life is not about passive listening but active participation. We want to train people to live their lives as God intended, with passion and joy. We need training based in the Bible but engaged with daily living.
“Give more money!” Like you, we’re tired of hearing churches ask for money all the time. That’s why we don’t make a big deal out of it. At the same time, Christians are called to share their resources with one another and the church. This sharing involves much more than money – our time, our energy, our love, our talents and abilities. When we share our lives in this way, we find deeper meaning and joy than we had thought possible.
Worship & Prayer
We Gather Regularly
Sundays 11:00
Thursdays 19:00
Via Zoom
Other Times
We gather in homes, via Zoom, in the church building and in many other ways for discussion, prayer, fellowship and training. Get in touch for some groups meeting now.
About Us
City Temple is an international church in the heart of London, bringing together people from many different nations in unity with each other and with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Come just as you are and meet us!
City Temple URC
Company Number: 08357702
Charity Number: 1151257
Site Map
Get In Touch
0207 583 5532
Some pictures – usually the best ones – provided courtesy Niki Gorick. © Niki Gorick Photography Ltd. 2018, www.nikigorick.com