What's On
How you can connect with the life of City Temple“What’s On This Week & Beyond”
You’re Welcome with Us!
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
10.00 am Prayer 11.00 am Live Worship City Temple is meeting at Chelsea Community Church, Edith Grove, SW10 0LB In Person & Online (Zoom & Livestream) See “Upcoming” for Sunday afternoon activities. |
7.15 pm
7.30 pm
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Upcoming |
7.15 pm (contact us for details)
7.30 pm (contact us for details)
10.15 am – 12.15 pm (contact us for details)
Sunday, 2 March, First Sunday Fellowship – Food & fellowship following worship. All are welcome. |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
11.00 am Worship in Person and Online |
7.30 pm Home Group Online |
7.30 pm Men’s Prayer Online |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Upcoming |
2.00 pm 7.00 pm |
7.00 pm COLHOP Pursuit Prayer & Worship Online |
10.30 am Women’s Bible Discussion Online |
28 November Last Sunday before redevelopment commences! |
Telegram & Email
A great way to keep in touch at City Temple
City Temple has several Telegram Groups and Channels along with an email list that help us stay in touch with each other. You are welcome to join any of them. Just email us your name, phone number, and email address. Let us know whether you want to join a Telegram group or our email list and state we have your permission to hold your information. (We will never share your information outside CT or use it for other than the purpose you specify.) Contact us for more information.

- General Notices Email
Regular emails about what’s happening at City Temple.
- CT Fellowship-Evangelism Telegram Group
A group for people at CT who want to connect generally and work together in outreach.
- CT Prayer Ministry Telegram Group
A group for prayer requests and prayer support at CT.
- City Temple Men WhatsApp
A group for encouragement and prayer among men.
- COLHOP WhatsApp
A group for the City of London House of Prayer, involving people from several churches.
- City Temple Notices Telegram Channel
An information only group channel for up-to-date notices about what’s happening in the church.
Get Involved
You’re Welcome with Us!
Sunday Worship
Sundays @ 11:00am
Join us in person or via Zoom for our weekly gathering to worship God.
COLHOP Prayer & Worship
Thursdays @ 7:15 pm
Join us via Zoom from the City of London House of Prayer at City Temple. We pray and worship together for our city and our world. We also have a message to encourage us in prayer.
Youth & Children
The ongoing redevelopment of our building has affected how we minister to children and youth. Contact us for the latest information about these ministries in our church.
Freedom in Christ Course
A course to help people experience and maintain their freedom in Christ. The battle for our minds, choosing to forgive and breaking strongholds are just a few topics.
Freed to Lead
A course to help Christians lead more effectively in every area of life, including the workplace. Based on the book, Freed to Lead, written by Rod
CAP Money Course
A course to help people develop and maintain a budget while managing their money more effectively. From the ministry Christians against Poverty.
It’s Not Just about Money
Living generously may involve money sometimes, but it is much more than money. At City Temple, we don’t make a big deal about money. You won’t hear us give a 20-minute plea for more money. We will never use guilt or shame to provoke anyone to give money. We believe people who love Jesus simply give financially as they are able in response to His love. But although we don’t make a big deal about money, the Bible certainly does.
About Us
City Temple is an international church in the heart of London, bringing together people from many different nations in unity with each other and with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Come just as you are and meet us!
City Temple URC
Company Number: 08357702
Charity Number: 1151257
Site Map
Get In Touch
0207 583 5532
Some pictures – usually the best ones – provided courtesy Niki Gorick. © Niki Gorick Photography Ltd. 2018, www.nikigorick.com